The sport of foxhunting requires suitable land in large quantities. Such land is not easy to find and can be lost to hunting by acts of carelessness or ignorance. Our first set of guidelines advocates courteous and responsible behavior to landowners. Hunt country is private property. Riding on non-hunt days must be done with the prior permission of the landowner. Do not assume you can freely trail ride on land that we hunt.
Leave gates as they are found. Riders are responsible to pass the word to followers either “gate closed” or “gate open” before continuing. When in doubt, the last rider should close the gate and report the action to the Field Master or a staff member.
Cultivated Ground:
Do not ride over plowed or planted ground. This includes hay fields. If the landowner has provided bridle paths on the edges of his fields, ride only on these paths. Most farmers now use the no-till method of farming. This means that they don’t plow their fields in the spring but plant their seeds with no obvious preparation of the ground. Hoof prints in the soil interfere with the proper functioning of the special planting machine and thus reduce the harvest. To lessen the damage horses do to cultivated fields, we must ride at all times on the extreme outer edge and in a single file. In areas that are not cultivated but allowed to grow on heavy turf, riders should spread out and not ride in the file so as not to make paths. This also gives the Field a better view of the hounds. The Field Master will signal when the Field should spread out.
Ride slowly and try to avoid livestock. If any of them break through a fence or go through a gate opened by the Hunt, report it to the Field Master.
Equipment on Location:
Ask permission before using any equipment such as hoses and water faucets to wash horses. Avoid creating a muddy area.
Clean up trash and manure. Trailers should not be mucked out at the meet. Clean up the area around trailer parking spaces.
If the landowner or his/her representative is present, you may express your individual thanks and appreciation.
Always check your hitch. Park so that you allow enough space to unload and tie horses safely. Be aware of parking conditions and always check the hunt line or fixture card for specific parking instructions.