Category: Protocol & Guidelines


Neat attire required: Cubbing Season (prior to Oct. 1): After Oct. 1 until Opening Hunt on  November 4th: After Opening Hunt November 4th: Formal attire

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Members are encouraged to have guests in the Field; however, the member must have permission of a Master of Foxhounds, and the guest must be

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Social Activities

The fellowship of foxhunting extends beyond the Hunt Field through various social and riding activities planned by the Hunt members and the Social Committee. Members

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Riding Rules

Punctuality: Arrive at the meet correctly attired, tacked, mounted, and ready to ride. Hounds “move-off” at the appointed time. If you are late, do not

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Tack & Horses

Tack: All tack must be plain, serviceable and clean. Use bitting suitable to control your horse; under the exciting conditions of hunting, control is essential.

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Foxhunting Staff

The Master/Joint Masters: The Masters of Foxhounds have final authority in all matters of hunting. The Masters are responsible for the kennels and keep in

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